In 2018, youth baseball bat industry underwent a significant change with the introduction of the USABat Standards.
For all baseball divisions at OYO -- including Junior Baseball, Super Major, Minor, Rookie, and Junior Rookie baseball divisions -- bats will need to meet the following specifications. Please note there are some differences exclusive to Junior Baseball compared to the rest of the baseball divisions.
- A bat may not exceed 33 inches
- No barrel shall exceed 2-5/8 inches in diameter
- Any bat in excess of 2-1/4 inches must display the USABat certification
- Any bat not displaying the USABat certification cannot exceed 2-1/4 inches
- There is no length-to-weight ratio limitation
- A bat may not exceed 34 inches
- No barrel shall exceed 2-5/8 inches in diameter
- Any bat displaying a USABat, BPF 1.15 or BBCOR .50 certification is permissible
- There is no length to weight ratio limitation
Example of the certification stamps are located at the top of the page. Please review them carefully.
While encouraging safety and accommodating more variety in bat selection by players and families, this policy will allow ballplayers to utilize USABats with a larger barrel size, which there are more of in the marketplace. We also believe this rule provides a fair and safe experience for our rec league based on the findings from USA Baseball, which has found the difference between the two standards (USA Baseball and USSSA) to be very simple. The USSSA BPF 1.15 bats will be more lively and have more "pop" and will, simply put, hit the ball further and, usually, harder than the USA bats. So, only USA Baseball-stamped bats will be permitted.
We ask for everyone's cooperation and support in following these rules. At OYO, we take safety seriously, and this is truly a safety matter. As a developmental and instructional league, we encourage our players to experience as much of the game as possible. So, when a less experienced rec league player has a chance to play third base or pitch for the first time, we should not place them in harm's way as a batter uses an illegal big barrel bat or a composite/hybrid bat without proper certifications. When a bat is deemed "hot" and contains a certain "pop", it poses increased risks to the safety of a pitcher just 46, 50 or 60 feet away or a fielder a mere 35, 60 or 90 feet away.
This decision was based on the observations of a number of board members and coaches who observed the USABats in action. If you have any questions regarding this baseball bat rule for OYO, please contact an OYO Board member.
OYO SOFTBALL Bat Eligibility Rules
Section 1.A – Baseball bats are allowed in all softball divisions provided the bat meets the requirements described in the NFHS Rule Book.
NOTE: Softball bats are illegal if they appear on the USA Softball non-approved bat list with certification marks.
OYO BASEBALL Bat Eligibility Rules
1.10 – Junior Rookie, Rookie, Minor and Super Major – The bat shall not be more than 33 inches in length and the bat barrel shall not exceed 2-5/8 inches in diameter. Any bat in excess of 2-1/4 inches must display the USABat certification. Any bat not displaying the USABat certification cannot exceed 2-1/4 inches. There is no length-to-weight ratio limitation.
1.11 – Junior Baseball – The bat shall not be more than 34 inches in length and the bat barrel shall not exceed 2-5/8 inches in diameter. Bats meeting this description and displaying the USABat, BPF 1.15 or BBCOR .50 certifications are permissible. There is no length to weight ratio limitation.
OYO BASEBALL & SOFTBALL Penalty for Illegal Bat Usage
All Leagues – On first usage of an illegal bat, the batter shall be declared out. If the ball was put in play, anyone put out is out and all runners not put out are returned to the base occupied before the ball was put into play. Also, both the team and head coach are each issued a warning. Every time an illegal bat is found for the remainder of the game, the batter and acting head coach are ejected and the aforementioned penalty to the batter and baserunners are applied. When the ejected player’s turn appears in the lineup, the offensive team is charged an out for that at bat.