Board Member Agreement
At OYO, we value the contributions of many hardworking, dedicated and selfless volunteers.
Being a board member is an honor and a privilege at OYO. We are fortunate to maintain a very diverse board. We have board members who have been involved for two decades and some as recent as two months. And each and every person has a significant impact on the success of our program. We have board member representation from baseball and softball, rec league and travel, and from every corner of the community. And, the board sports an amazing blend of moms and dads, aunts and uncles and genuine supporters who just enjoy giving back to a program that supported their family over the years.
During the past 20 years alone, more than 250 individuals have volunteered their time and talents as board members to help ensure our ballplayers and families could truly enjoy their OYO experience each season. These are not just board colleagues, but friends outside of OYO, too. Each board member finds great satisfaction in rolling up their sleeves and jumping in the trenches to partner with fellow board members who work tirelessly for the children and families who call OYO home for their baseball and softball experiences at every level.
The affairs of OYO shall be governed by a Board of Directors composed of executive board officers, chairpersons, commissioners and coordinators. And, we want to help ensure every board member is offered the best opportunity to succeed and make a difference for all OYO families.
To do so, we ask each OYO Board Member to review the OYO Board Member agreement annually. This review (or renewal) goes a long way in providing a common foundation for everyone to work together.
Please submit signed Board Member Agreement to the OYO President in person or via email.
Supporting Documents