Travel Coaches — Greetings! First and foremost, thank you for participating in our Bill Sturm Memorial Tournament! We are excited to host your squad in late June for some exciting and competitive all-star softball. Please find below 12 important tidbits of information, resources and details about forms to be submitted. Please review the content carefully and reference the links provided.
1. ABOUT THE TOURNAMENT | Review our overview about this tournament and why it is so important to all of us at OYO. We truly appreciate you supporting this important tournament, which enables dozens of young children to play at OYO each year, financial means notwithstanding.
2. ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR GAME-DAY INFORMATION | You can download everything you need for this tournament, including a complete list of participating teams on our official Bill Sturm Memorial Tournament web page.
3. CODE OF CONDUCT MATTERS | The OYO Code of Conduct is posted at the park and everyone is expected to follow this Code of Conduct. In short, “if the comment you are about to make isn’t a positive comment, then it is probably not allowed at OYO”. Please ask your team to keep that in mind.
4. FOLLOW OUR PARK LAYOUT | Review the facility’s layout so you can find the location of your field. Our fields are located in Veterans Memorial Park at 12150 East 62nd Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235.
5. CONFIRMING YOUR SCORES AFTER YOUR GAME | Following each game played (pool play and elimination round), both teams must sign the scoresheet log from the umpire.
6. DOWNLOAD THE GAME SCHEDULE | The game schedule will be forthcoming by Saturday, June 22. Teams should arrive at the park at least 30 minutes before their game time(s). Please be at your field ready to play at least 30 minutes before your scheduled time. We do offer three batting cages teams can use on a first come, first serve basis. Please be considerate and share the cages accordingly.
7. KNOW THY RULES | Please review the rules for each age group on the OYO website, but are subject to change as we draw closer to the tournament dates.
8. VERY SIMPLE BAT RULES FOR ALL AGES | For this tournament, teams and players are entitled to use the bat of their choice.
9. TEAM ROSTER, CODE OF CONDUCT + INSURANCE CERTIFICATE | Here are two things we are asking of each team to complete electronically by Friday, June 21 No hard copies will be accepted. All forms should be emailed to (and subject line should contain your team’s name and age group).
- Download, complete and EMAIL the team roster and code of conduct forms.
- Submit via EMAIL a copy of your certificate of insurance.
10. GOT QUESTIONS? | If you have any questions prior to the tournament, please don’t hesitate to text or email Todd Green, OYO All-Star/Rec Travel Tournament Chair at or 317.536.6253. However, on game days, please find any OYO Advisor on Duty for assistance. Also, if you text/email, please indicate which team and age group you are with to help ensure we can best meet your needs and expectations. 🙂
11. DON’T FORGET TO PATRONIZE OUR CONCESSION STAND | If you have not been to our park yet, then you will be in for a treat. We offer two full-service concession stands. Come enjoy some hot food, cold drinks and plenty of snacks.
12. THANK YOU! | If you have any questions, please let us know and we will work with the OYO Tournament Committee to help find answers to your questions. Thanks again for choosing OYO as your place for a tournament experience this weekend! Play Ball!
With much appreciation and gratitude!
The OYO Board of Directors