Updated Social Distancing and Face Coverings Guidelines for Fall Ball 2020
OYO Fall Ball 2020 is ready for game day! Our resilient ballplayers and responsible coaches are going the extra mile to keep all our participants and their fans safe this fall. And, that’s why we are ready for your return!
We have updated two important guidelines, and we ask all our coaches, players, fans, concession workers and umpires to follow during oru Fall Ball 2020 season.
Social Distancing Important for Spectators | On game days, please spread out as much as possible and not congregate in high traffic areas. Our latest Return to Play Guidelines have been shared with all league families and posted on our website. Our hope is everyone will read through them and will continue to use safe social distancing and common sense as they return by the hundreds to our ballpark. To simplify the expectations, we also have created a one-page infographic with eight specific policies which our Advisors on Duty (AODs) will enforce at all times.
Face Coverings Expectations at OYO | Per the Marion County and State of Indiana guidelines, coaches, umpires, players, and involved in strenuous activity are not required to wear a mask. In our most recent coaches meeting, we have increased our expectations for face coverings to be worn on game days when six-feet-distancing is not possible and as often as possible during practices. Spectators are expected to wear masks at all times. And, masks must be worn by all individuals when visiting concession stand and/or restrooms. Players are not expected to wear face coverings during their games.
- Requesting Immediate Families Only on Game Days | To be in compliance with the maximum allowance of individuals at each field, we are asking for all Fall Ball families to limit the number of fans at OYO on game days to immediate family members only.
- No Fan Seating Behind Backstops | One of the significant changes due to social distance requirements is no one will be allowed to sit or gather behind the home plate areas at any of our 13 fields. We realize these are fan favorite areas and they have historically been packed with fans over the years. They are fun and exciting areas to sit since they are very close to the action, but in order for our park to stay open we can no longer allow these areas to be used for viewing.
- Fans Designated Seating Areas Will Be Clearly Marked | All fans will need to spread out in one of our pre-marked, designated seating areas around the perimeter of the fences past the dugouts and in the outfield. We all hope for the time when fans are allowed to return closer to the field of play, but for the foreseeable future these areas will be closed to spectators. These markers will be displayed on the fences to help ensure we create six-feet social distancing from each family. Please note, only one family may sit in a designated seating area and space may not be shared between families.
- Seating Rules Violations and Game Play | If a fan is in violation of the seating rules, an Advisor on Duty (AOD) will ask the fan to move to another location. The AOD will stay until they comply. If the fan does not comply, the AOD will immediately suspend the game until the fan is in compliance. During the suspension, the field is cleared as the players must join their parents and there shall be no players or coaches in the dugouts or on the fields. If the fan then chooses not to comply within five minutes, the game is called. If the fan does comply, play resumes but no additional time will be added to the game.
- When Away from Your Designated Seating Area, Wear Your Mask! | If you are moving around the park, including walking from/to the parking lot, visiting the concession stand, using the restroom, talking with others, then masks need to be worn by fans, coaches, players, umpires, concession workers, volunteer board members, etc.
Return to Play Guidelines_09012020