Smile! Picture Day Set for Sunday, August 30!
Team and individual pictures for our fall season will be taken on Sunday, August 30, 2020, so mark your calendars! You can find out when your ballplayer’s team is scheduled for pictures by clicking on the link at the bottom of this post.
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your time slot to keep us on schedule. With the help of OYO players and parents, coaches, and board, we continue to make picture day a smooth adventure for all.
As always, up until the Friday (August 28) before our annual Picture Day, orders may be placed online.
** Teams should gather for their team photos behind Center Field of Field 4.**
On behalf of H&R Photography, thank you for making our annual picture day another successful experience. See you at the ballpark!
Ready, Set, Smile!
The OYO Board of Directors