One-Way Driving Paths in OYO Parking Lots
Last fall, we had a scary close-call involving two cars moving in opposite directions in our parking lot and a young ballplayer darting from his family’s car toward the fields. Fortunately, this was a near miss but one we never want to see happen again due to blind spots for our families and drivers.
As a result, we have created one-way driving patterns in both parking lots. Immediately upon entering the South lot (near Fields 3 and 4) or the West lot (near Field 13 and picnic area), cars must turn right and make a circular pattern around the parking lot until they are prepared to depart. Continue to follow the circular pattern as you exit the parking lot.
Following this path and taking a few extra moments can go a long way in saving a ballplayer’s life at OYO. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding! Drive safe!