Fall Ball Team Color and Sponsor Assignments Revealed

To help each and every team prepare for the upcoming season, we’re providing a complete list of all our Fall Ball teams and the color of their uniforms along with the actual team sponsor assignment(s). This information is shared to help coaches and team parents prepare banners, uniform accessories and more for the upcoming season.

As for pant colors, this left to each team’s discretion. Black is the primary color selected by most teams, especially in softball. However, among baseball teams, it is not uncommon for teams to select gray pants as their team pant color. Again, the pant color decision is left to each team.

Lastly, we encourage and hope all our families will find opportunities to support and patronize all our team sponsors in 2024 and beyond. Our league is made possible and fees remain affordable as a result of their support and generosity.

Download the full lowdown on team colors and sponsor assignments!