We know we are all missing beautiful days at the ballpark, and we are excited for the chance to take the field with some eager ballplayers.  The lack of ball this spring has left a void in all of our hearts, and we are all ready to get back out there again! What’s more, we’re prepared to do so safely and responsibly.

Even though our spring season is canceled, we will proceed with our rec travel/all-star program where we have been able to secure coaches for those age groups. OYO is unable to accommodate the large crowds in accordance to state and city guidelines in a manner that accomodates our spring/summer rec league and a full fall ball season, too. As a result, we are providing a shortened rec travel season for as many age groups and teams as possible thru late July and then offer an expanded Fall Ball rec league program starting August 1.



At OYO, we offer a wide range of programs to help players of all levels of skill, interest and passion experience more baseball and softball.  As a registered family, you’re already intended to participate in our primary and most popular program — Spring Ball recreational league.  However, we also offer a rec all-star/travel program for all our rec league baseball and softball players who are seeking even more baseball and softball development and competitive game opportunities against teams from across Central Indiana.

From experience, we know when families hear “rec travel” the misconceptions quickly follow. We’d like to set the record straight on our travel program before you and your ballplayer miss out on a tremendous opportunity this spring and summer.



Our baseball travel program is named the Oaklandon Bombers. Our softball travel program is named the Oaklandon Red Storm. And we offer two different levels — full-time travel (FTT) and recreational travel (RT). The full-time travel teams were selected last August and are all set for the 2019 season.

Our RT squads are the same as “all-star” teams selected in other leagues. The minor difference is these teams are formed during the practice season. Then, they practice or play games on Sundays during the recreational league season before coming together to play in local tournaments against similar clubs from other regional youth baseball and softball programs in June and July. A typical RT Bombers/Red Storm regular season runs from April through July in which the team will participate in 4 to 5 tournaments (again, all in Central Indiana).

Only those players who play in our recreational program can tryout for and be selected to play for the RT Bombers or Red Storm. These teams do require families to pay an additional fee to participate, and those fees vary from team to team.



In accordance with state and local guidelines and additional social distancing and good hygeine practices, here is how OYO will manage the rec travel tryouts for age groups we’re able to support this season (based on eligible coaching volunteers):

Fair Tryout Process

  • Only players who were registered at OYO as of May 5, 2020, are eligible to tryout for a Bombers or Red Storm rec travel team this summer.
  • Players must attend a tryout to be eligible for a team. If a player cannot attend the scheduled date(s) and time(s), then they may request an alternate tryout date within seven days of the posted tryouts for the respective age group.
  • No more than five players may participate in one age group’s tryout at one time. Coaches are responsible for introducing their preferred method for scheduling these sessions with interested families.
  • If any player or member of player’s household is unwell, or running a fever, the player’s tryout should be rescheduled for a later date within 7 days of scheduled tryout.
  • OYO will seek to accommodate multiple teams in any age group where the interest from players is supported by qualified and eligible coaching candidates.
  • No fees are required to participate in any tryout session(s).

Safe Tryout Procedures

  • Cars may park in either parking lot, but we ask that two parking spaces be left between each car to ensure plenty of distance as cars are loaded and unloaded.
  • Dugouts will not be used by players.  They may be used by coaches with proper distancing.
  • Players will line up their personal gear along the left field or right field fences, six feet apart.
  • Restrooms will be available for use, but with social distancing practices.
  • Players may be accompanied by only one parent or guardian, to minimize number of people at the park.
  • Parents or guardians who accompany players to tryouts are encouraged to wear masks and not gather in close groups, specifically maintaining six-feet-apart social distances.
  • Players and Coaches may choose to wear a mask, but it will not be required.
  • Players are encouraged to bring and use hand sanitizer often.
  • No player equipment may be shared.  Team equipment, such as catcher’s gear, helmets, and chest protectors will be wiped down with disinfectant between each player use.
  • Huddles shall be within safe social distancing parameters – six or more feet apart.



To be eligible for an age group in Red Storm, the player must not be older than the team’s age as of January 1, 2020. Attendance is mandatory, unless other arrangements have been made with the team’s coach prior to the tryout to schedule an alternate time. There is no fee to participate in tryouts.

Players should arrive 10 minutes prior to the scheduled tryout time and should not wear any hats or uniform apparel affiliating them with any past travel team involvement (at OYO or elsewhere). However, a team-branded batting helmet is acceptable.

A full list of Red Storm rec travel coaches and tryout schedules appears below.

08U Red StormMust be 6-8 years old as of January 1, 2020NO TEAM PLANNED FOR SUMMER 2020n/an/an/a
10U Red StormMust be 9-10 years old as of January 1, 2020 or pre-approved 10U playerThursday, May 28
Friday, May 29
Email coach to schedule tryout time
7Michael DeSanto317.345.9006
12U Red StormMust be 11-12 years as of January 1, 2020 or a pre-approved 12U playerSunday, May 31
1 p.m.
9Eric Burton317.371.1087
14U Red StormMust be 13-14 years old as of January 1, 2020 or pre-approved 14U playerThursday, May 28
6 p.m.
9Brandon Collins463.201.5949



To be eligible for an age group in Bombers, the player must not be older than the team’s age as of April 30, 2020. Attendance is mandatory, unless other arrangements have been made with the team’s coach prior to the tryout to schedule an alternate time. There is no fee to participate in tryouts.

Players should arrive 30 minutes prior to the scheduled tryout time and should not wear any hats or uniform apparel affiliating them with any past travel team involvement (at OYO or elsewhere). However, a team-branded batting helmet is acceptable.

A full list of Red Storm rec travel coaches and tryout schedules appears below.

07U BombersMust be 7 years old as of April 30, 2020, and 6-year-old players may tryout too if there is not a 6U team formedSaturday, May 30
10-11Rob Jackson317.650.6553
08U BombersMust be 8 years old only as of April 30, 2020Tuesday, May 26
6 p.m.
10-11Adam Barth317.989.6115
09U BombersMust be 9 years old as of April 30, 2020 or pre-approved to play Minor (if there is a team at 9U)NO TEAM PLANNED FOR SUMMER 2020, so 9-year-old players may participate in 10U tryoutn/an/a
010U BombersMust be 10 years old as of April 30, 2020, and 9-year-old players may try out if there is not a 9U team formedThursday, May 28
6-8 p.m.
Saturday, May 30
1-3 p.m.
4Chris Neu317.443.7466
11U BombersMust be 11 years old as of April 30, 2020 or pre-approved to play Super Major (if there is a team at 11U)NO TEAM PLANNED FOR SUMMER 2020, so 11-year-old players may participate in 12U tryoutn/an/a
12U BombersMust be 12 years old as of April 30, 2020, and 11-year-old players may try out if there is not a 11U team formedMonday, May 25
Wednesday, May 27
6-7:30 p.m.
2Matt Welp317.979.6272
15U Bombers
(for ages 13-15)
Must be 13-15 years old as of April 30, 2020 as this is the only age group forming a team at the JBB levelSunday, May 31
4 p.m.
Players ages 13-14 also are encouraged to tryout or this team in 2020
13Jen Wilkinson317.506.9566


For more information about our rec travel/all-star program, contact:

Thanks for your continued interest in OYO. We appreciate you choosing OYO as your place for baseball and softball! We look forward to seeing you and your ballplayer at tryouts.