Nearly 40 Teams Need a Team Sponsor before Monday, July 29!

For weeks, we’ve been communicating about player registration and lately about coach registration. The response has been phenomenal. Thank you!

Now, we need your help in one more way that will improve the overall experience for your ballplayer this season! Our remarkable Ways and Means Committee has been forming valuable connections and partnerships to boost our sponsorship program. Their hard work is paying dividends, but there’s still a long way to go.

So, on their behalf, I am personally connecting with you — each and every Fall Ball family — on this very important topic of sponsorships!

First, did you know the registration fee does not cover the entire cost of playing at OYO?
Each year, we keep our fees affordable through the generous support from local businesses to offset the $20+ difference –- and that’s at least $240 shortfall per team. So, enter our team sponsorships ($200 for Fall Ball). These enable us to offset most of the additional expenses surrounding the team’s on-field experience. At this time, 39 teams do not have a sponsor dedicated to a player on the roster this fall. The full breakdown by division appears below!

Will you be a sponsor — or can you identify a sponsor — for your ballplayer’s team? 

So, how can you help?
Easy! Can you reach out to a business you know or work for to be a team sponsor in 2024? The Teamwork sponsorship for Fall Ball 2024 is only $200 per team. Learn more or register to be a sponsor at’s more, there’s still time to connect a team sponsorship to your favorite ballplayer’s Fall Ball squad, too! You just need to act soon!

What’s the Deadline?
It’s almost gone! Our uniform orders are due to our uniform partner no later than Monday, and we need to submit our sponsorship lineup by the same time. We need to secure all sponsorships by Sunday, July 28.

Got Questions?
If you need something more, less or different, then simply email the OYO Sponsorship Committee at or reply to this email!

Thank You!
We appreciate your consideration of this timely request for help finding more sponsors in 2024! As always, thank you for choosing OYO as your place for baseball and softball in our 50th year! We look forward to celebrating this memorable season with you and your ballplayer.
