Coaches Meeting Recap
OYO Board Members recently conducted our exclusive Coaches’ Meeting and Orientation for our softball and baseball coaches. This meeting helps ensure all our coach volunteers are aligned in how they will leverage our organization’s resources and collaborate frequently to maximize the development of all our ballplayers across the league. What’s more, they are prepared to demonstrate great teamwork in providing our young softball and baseball players a memorable on-field experience this spring.
We hope the information attached provides our coaches with the details needed to execute a quality experience for all our ballplayers and their families. If you have any questions about the upcoming season, please contact an OYO Board Member.
As always, thank you for choosing OYO as your place for baseball and softball this spring. And, we truly appreciate you sharing your talents and volunteering to be a coach this season. Play Ball!
Link to Coaches Meeting Orientation:
- Meeting Presentation
- Meeting Takeaways Summary
- Must-See Video for Proper Field Maintenance Techniques
Links to Helpful Baseball Coaching Resources:
Links to Helpful Softball Coaching Resources: