2022 Full Time Travel Tryouts Scheduled

Make plans to participate in the tryouts for one of our full-time travel baseball and softball tryouts set for late July and early August.

OYO offers two types of travel programs for baseball and softball. Our teams sport the nicknames Bombers (baseball) and Red Storm (softball). For both baseball and softball, we offer rec travel teams and full-time travel teams.

Tryouts for the 2022 Full-Time Travel Oaklandon Bombers (baseball) and the 2022 Full-Time Travel Oaklandon Red Storm (softball) teams are being announced for most teams and additional teams will be announced in the near future.  All dates, times and field assignments are customized for each age group. Access to tryout dates/times, coach selections and related information for each age group appear below.

For tryouts, players are requested to meet the following criteria:

  • All tryouts are scheduled to take place at Veterans Memorial Park, 12150 East 62nd Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46236
  • Arrive 30 minutes early
  • Dressed for tryouts wearing appropriate baseball/softball attire
  • Do not wear any clothing or hats affiliating you with any past travel team (exception: helmets with team logos are permitted)
  • All schedules are subject to change, flexibility is requested
08U Bombers10CompletedCompletedLandon Hoover
09U Bombers4CompletedCompletedGino DeAnda
10U Bombers1CompletedCompletedJohnny Goldfinger
11U Bombers3CompletedCompletedAnthony Butterfield
12U Bombers3CompletedCompletedDan Underwood
13U Bombers2CompletedCompletedMatt Welp
14U BombersSeeking Head CoachAccepting ApplicationsLearn More
15U BombersSeeking Head CoachAccepting ApplicationsLearn More
12U6Friday, September 17
8:00-9:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 18
11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Michael DeSanto
12U Red Storm9CompletedCompletedMark Anderson
14U Red Storm6CompletedCompletedAaron Harding
16U Red Storm6CompletedCompletedMike Springer
16U Red Storm6CompletedCompletedMatt Martin

18U Red StormSeeking Head CoachAccepting ApplicationsLearn More

And, click here to learn more specific details about the 16U-Martin Red Storm tryouts.

Thank you for your interest and consideration in the 2022 OYO full-time travel program. For more information about these tryouts, please contact one of the following Travel Committee Members:

And, best of luck to all players participating in these tryouts. Go Red Storm. Go Bombers!