14U Rec Travel Red Storm Tryouts Announced
At OYO, we offer travel programs to help ballplayers experience more competitive softball games. For softball players age 13 or 14 (as of January 1, 2021), check out our rec all-star/travel program. Our all-star/rec travel program provides additional development and more competitive game opportunities against teams from across Central Indiana. From experience, we know when families hear “rec travel” the misconceptions quickly follow. We’d like to set the record straight on our travel program before you and your ballplayer miss out on a tremendous opportunity this spring and summer.
Our softball travel program is named the Oaklandon Red Storm. Our 14U RT Red Storm squad is the same as “all-star” teams selected in other leagues. The minor difference is these teams are formed during the practice season. Then, they practice or play games on Sundays during the recreational league season before coming together to play in local tournaments against similar clubs from other regional youth baseball and softball programs in late June and July. Only those players who play in our recreational program can tryout for and be selected to play for the RT Red Storm. These teams do require families to pay an additional fee to participate, and those fees vary from team to team.
The coach for the 2021 14U RT Oaklandon Red Storm team is Aaron Harding. The tryouts for the 2021 14U RT Oaklandon Red Storm team are set for Sunday, May 16 and Sunday, May 23 from 6-8 p.m. on Field 6.
Attendance is mandatory, unless other arrangements have been made with the team’s coach prior to the tryout to schedule an alternate time. There is no fee to participate in tryouts. Players should arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled tryout time and should not wear any hats or uniform apparel affiliating them with any past travel team involvement (at OYO or elsewhere). However, a team-branded batting helmet is acceptable.